I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have
loved you, so you too should love one another. John 13:34

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Never again

To be deceived
You must first believe

When words are only letters
Placed together in the hopes of forming ideas
You put your  ideas
Into my heart
These ideas slowly held their place and began to grow
Forming walls and rooms
Finally getting so big
That these ideas overflowed from my heart
And into my mind

Making me believe your every action
As true
Yet there was a day
When your words came crumbling down
Leaving my heart just a puddle

Nothing but a city

Destroyed by your deceitful words
By your disgusting actions

My heart will heal
My mind will too recover

It is you that I hope moves on
That I pray sees the truth
Through the blinding darkness
I pray that the light finds you
I pray that you come to know what honesty is
And that deceit is no longer your friend

You have hurt this heart of mine
Never again

1 comment:

  1. This poem is one of my favorites in this blog. Like so many of the posts, these words are begging to be set to music. The vulnerability and honesty is so touching. Keep sharing your heart & soul, Moriah!
