I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have
loved you, so you too should love one another. John 13:34

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Playing with words

Run like a fiery comet
Leaving ablaze the trail previously departed

Speak like a fluttering hummingbird
Allowing your words to flow freely and softly entering the ears of the recipient

Think like a giant elephant
Knowing exactly where you are going and what are doing

Breathe like a fish in the sea
Freely knowing that each breathe could be your last

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blinded with Pride

Pride is a funny thing
Has an easy way of creeping into the unstable mind
Has a keen sense for justifying its place
Yet will eventually take over your soul if you aren't careful

Pride is boastful
Pride is self seeking
Pride is that screaming child in the toy isle assuming its all about him/her
Pride is the individual yelling at the retail clerk because they didn't give them speedy service
Pride is venom to the human heart

Shaking away this pride is difficult
For the human eyes are not strong enough to see it
The human heart has been poisoned and cannot find a remedy
The mind is not strong enough to overcome

Yet there is hope

Through the very one who has breathed life into us all
Through the very one who sent his only son to take the burden of our sins
There is a cure

For it has been said "whoever would be great among you must be your servant"
Is a servant self seeking?
Is a servant boastful?
Does a  servant feel it is about "them"?
Simply, no
For to be a servant
You give freely
You love fully
You hold your tongue when you feel that venom lashing out

For when you are blinded with pride you become angry
You become bitter
You become someone that no one wants to be
Untie your blindfold
Read the words that are so clearly written
Serve those who least deserve it
Serve those who most deserve it
Just serve

Monday, December 12, 2011

The confines of my heart

Within these walls
That enclose my beating heart
There is love impatiently waiting to pour out
There is compassion screaming to be heard
Wanting to be felt
Yet they are waiting
Waiting for the moment
Where my Father comes in
Opens the gates
And allows my feelings to come out

For I know in the depths of my being
In the makeup of Me
That my Father has someone perfect
Someone who will love freely
Someone who will lead
Someone who will walk by my side
Someone who cherishes the woman God made me to be

For now
I remain patient
Patiently waiting
For my Father
Because he is enough

Secret names.Real names.Given names.What are names?

Secretly I know my name is water loving
Ocean dweller
Yesterday my name was razor tongue
Where my words could cut to the very core of a human soul
Tomorrow my name will be homebound
And tranquil
In my dream my name is in your arms
I will always be
My boyfriend thinks my name is hyper-colored skin
Like the leaves of a fern

Just a glimpse

Feeling a glimmer of God’s love
The sunrise looks like a sweet candy painted canvass
The sound of the waves is a gentle hush
Ever so softly soothing my soul
The air is filled with ocean life
Reminding me I am not alone
If I close my eyes I can feel the warmth of the sunshine
Like the feel of a mother’s hand
Caressing my face with a gentle yet loving touch
Even with just a glimpse
I can feel His love

Dear Child

When I was a child
I dreamed of a life
Where stars were bright
Clouds were fluffy and white
and I felt loved

My dear child
When I look into your eyes
I see an innocence
That I am going to protect
That I am going to cherish
I see a child
Who dreams of a life
Where stars are bright
Clouds are fluffy and white
and where he feels loved

I am going to give you love
I am going to show you love
Dear child

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Danger of it all

Where my mind is
Love should be
Where my heart is
Love should be
For love is the very commandment
Love is where it all begins
And where it all should end

My heart is humbled
My thoughts are cleared
Understanding has burst in to my life
Like an uninvited friend
I felt uneasy at its presence
Yet I was happy that it came

This isn’t up to me
Yet I tried to make it
This isn’t about me
Yet I felt it was

The words I spoke
Like slivers of glass
Slicing at your soul
The actions I chose
Like an angry child
I screamed and I flailed
Confusing your every thought

If I am who I say I am
Then I should be just that
Yet I found I was hiding in the shell of someone who wanted to be
Someone of make believe

Without actions your faith is useless
Without a true heart words are meaningless

Life isn’t and shouldn’t be about the things we tend to make it
No monogram towel
No picket fence
No family with shiny white teeth
Will make your heart complete
Only a true love that runs deep within
That overflows from the inside out
That touches the soul of those around
Leaving them feeling loved in return
Love shouldn’t be mean
Love shouldn’t be judgmental
Love shouldn’t be fierce
Love shouldn’t be cold
Love should be sweet
Love should be gentle
Love should be understanding
Love should be warm

Love should always be.